The basics on how dishwashers work

by | May 2, 2013 | Appliances

Although there is human involvement, dishwashers are more or less robots that take over once the human has loaded the dishes, added dishwashing detergent and set the proper cycle. The dishwasher follows the pre-programmed cycle that was set; it adds water, heats the water to the specified temperature, releases the detergent dispenser at the correct time, sends the hot water through jets drains the dirty water, rinses, and drains again and then heats the air to dry the dishes. With all these wonderful functions, it should come as no surprise that dishwasher repair in Aurora is often required.

During the entire cycle the dishwasher is self monitoring itself to make sure it is doing what is expected of it. A timer attends to the length of the cycles, a temperature probe makes sure the water and air temperatures are not exceeded, another sensor determines the water level and some even can sense when the dishes are clean based on the dirty water.

Inside the appliance:

Dishwashers are not overly complex, but they can fail and when they do, dishwasher repair in Aurora is often necessary. Although they are water tight, they do not fill with water like a clothes washing machine, only a small basin in the bottom of the machine fills with water. When the water peaks at 130 to 140 degrees F, it is propelled through high pressure jets; this water under pressure cleans the dishes. The jets in a dishwasher simply reduce the orifice without reducing the volume, the result is the same volume comes out of the machine, but at a much increased pressure. The force of the water rotates the arms supporting the jets.

When the wash and rinse cycles have been completed the water is pumped out. As the dirty water contains food stuff, some machines pump the waste through the garbage disposal for a final treatment.

The basics:

One of the components that often require dishwasher repair in Aurora is the control mechanism. The controls are located behind the front panel of the washer. Depending on the features of the dishwasher, the controls can be electro-mechanical or computerized. The controls determine the cycle times, temperature, detergent release, rinse and drain. Unless the door is closed and locked, the controls will not allow the machine to function.

The other components of this simple appliance are the intake valve which monitors the water from the plumbing system and the pump, which is electrically powered. The pump forces the water up the core to the spray arms. The pump also does duty by draining the dishwasher after the final rinse cycle has been completed. The pump is located in the center of the dishwasher, under the bottom basin.

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