It is always best to have a little cash saved for emergencies, but sometimes that is just not possible or the emergency cost exceeds what you have. ac repairs Clayton OH can be expensive, and to make matters even worse it may need to be replaced if it is too old or too damaged. If your ac unit should stop working and the temperatures outside are extremely hot, you will need to have the issue fixed right away. To keep the job within your budget you will have to do your research. Call all of the companies in and around ac repairs Clayton OH and ask each one of them if they have coupon, discounts and low interest financing options that you may qualify for. If you are a senior citizen, veteran or in the military you may be able to find a company that will offer you a discount. If your unit needs to be replaced it is advisable to call or visit the websites of reputable ac unit manufacturing brands. Sometimes the brand itself will offer discounts or rebates on new units that you can present to the technician installing it. Most companies offer free estimates so don’t settle for a company that does not provide this service.
Maintenance Agreements
Maintenance agreements are contracts that you pay for to keep your ac unit maintained. You pay the company a predetermined amount of money in exchange for yearly inspections, tune ups, cleaning of your unit and discounts on parts and/or labor in the event the unit needs repair. This may seem like an unnecessary expense but it will be well worth the money if you find yourself without air conditioning in the extreme summer heat. Instead of paying full price for the repair your maintenance agreement may cover certain parts, provide discounts for labor and may provide an extended warranty. All maintenance agreements vary by company and price, so it is a good idea to research all of your options to find the maintenance agreement which perfectly suits your needs and budget.
Importance of Licensing
Every HVAC technician will have their license on hand. Look at their license and verify that it is not expired and that their certification class clears them to work on your unit. There are three separate certification levels. Upon completing all three levels of the certification program it will state: Class-Universal. This means that the technician is certified to work on any unit. If they do not have their license, do not let them touch your air conditioner. This may indicate that they are not certified or their license is expired. It is important that only licensed technicians work on your air conditioner. First, you must have a license to purchase, handle, install and dispose of refrigerant. Second, your unit is a complicated machine full of electrical components, fragile moving parts and hazardous chemicals. Third, if damage occurs to your property and you knowingly let an unlicensed technician do the job, they are not responsible for the damages.
If you are looking for a reputable company to perform your ac repairs in Clayton OH contact Kelly Heating and Cooling. They have technicians available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to make sure you get cool air blowing once again.